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JIM PELTIER, PH.D. ALSO KNOWN AS ELEIAH Eleiah is a Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Healer, Kofutu Formula Healing Grand-Master, and a Spiritual Intuitive.
While he was completing his Doctorate Degree he was guided by the Ascended Masters to teach classes in Spiritual Development and was provided the format for the classes while in meditation. These classes are based on "The Inward Path to Oneness" with your Higher Spiritual Being.
Eleiah is a Spiritual Teacher and Healer who has been active in the spiritual community of Bend Oregon since 1989. Prior to moving to Bend he resided in Minneapolis, MN where he started his training in Healing, Counseling and Spiritual Teaching in the late 1970's.
He completed his Ph.D. at the International College of Spiritual and Psychic Sciences in Montreal, Canada, and has a Masters Degree in Counseling and is a Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Eleiah is a Spiritual Channel who uses many types of healing energy such as: Kofutu, Reiki and Other Energies and Higher Spiritual States of Consciousness in his Healing Practice.
Eleiah has learned how to integrate the use of NLP, Other-Than-Conscious Therapy, Spiritual Intuition, Higher Levels of Consciousness, Unconditional Love and Spiritual Energy to reunite your body, mind and spirit for more Peace, Joy, Love and Happiness in your life. This healing model is called Transformational Healing and Counseling.
A Transformational Healing and Counseling session clears out both conscious and unconscious beliefs, memories and issues that are interfering with your goals in life and your Spiritual Connection. In the healing session you focus on creating the reality you want and what you no longer want is removed. The best part of this type of healing is that he teaches you how to do it in the healing session.
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